I just applied for my dream job!

I just applied for my dream job! I was random googling after work today, too lazy to do something and to full of coffee to not do anything. I typed in my dream job and clicked on a few pages, and somehow I found a vacancy! I had taken it for granted that all positions are already taken, and was going to spend the summer trying to find something similar. But, suddenly there it was, my dream job. I dropped everything else (well, as I said earlier I wasn’t really doing much) and spent the next few hours trying to sum up my enthusiasm in a letter, and spell checked my CV about over and over. I just emailed both, and I feel too excited to go to bed, I’ll probably lie awake all night envisioning myself working for this company. No, I won’t tell where I applied, I know you girls (my fellow dietetics friends) are also looking for employment, and usually I would share but this one I won’t share. This is THE ONE! *dancing* Wish me luck!
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Last modified on 2010-04-22