The belly dancing dietitian, barefoot on the bar

Me ( iris daniela classon ) bellydancing at the Crazy Piano Stavanger, Norway I really should blog more often, but working nights has really taken a toll on me and yesterday I slept until four in the afternoon, waking up just in time to have dinner. I suspect sleeping without my dear husband also makes it hard to fall asleep; the bed seems empty and cold without him. Saturday was my last night at the bar for quite a while, as I’ll start my internship at the hospital in two weeks after presenting thesis work next week. I put on a little show just for just for fun on Saturday at the Crazy Piano nightclub in Stavanger (Norway), to prove us dietitians are not that boring. I’ve been dancing my whole life, everything from disco to salsa, and for the last few years belly dancing. If you haven’t tried belly dancing, you most definitive should! I actually dare to say that this is how I got my abs, (together with a healthy diet and plenty of other exercise) and my confidence when it comes to showing them off. It is a technical dance that can be hard to master if you aim to master it completely (other than just shaking your bum with a ‘money-belt’), so it is a true pleasure to learn as you can always advance further. On contrary to what many believe, it is not about shaking your bum and boobs, but mastering all the small and large muscles, isolating some, while letting other muscles relax. The show was popular, but I wasn’t as smooth as I would have been if dancing on the floor, as the 45cm wide bar-top did not allow for any smooth turns and people were ordering and paying for drinks between my legs. Nonetheless I sure had a blast, and received many encouraging comments afterwards when I went back to working in the bar. Now I am back on the road, and back to Gothenburg again, leaving some of my craziness behind me at the Crazy Piano., but my belly dancing gear is with me and I’ll put on plenty of shows at home (and I suspect Daniel, my husband, is very thankful for that).
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Last modified on 2010-04-05