Daniel and Iris Classon on the tram
So the party we went to, (for pre-drinks, more of a casual thing) was entertaining. Daniel’s classmates are awesome and we had a blast. We just drank some good wine and beer and talked shit for several hours. A perfect way to spend a Friday night if you ask me! I hadn’t planned on going out this
Iris Classon (me) in front of svenske mässan
weekend, but there has been a shift in the weather and a sudden heat wave has struck Gothenburg. The other day, when I and Cecilia worked with the thesis all day, it was actually 17 degrees outside! For comparison, it was -5 a couple of weeks ago. When the air gets warmer, it’s like the air smells different, and I can smell summer. It’s like being in love. You have butterflies in your stomach and you are filled with excitement because you are finally going to meet that special someone (summer) again. I wore my red halter neck dress , a favorite that I bought at a second hand store in Australia for 5 dollars, and my white shoes – the ones that I wore to my wedding last summer. And a red coat my sister gave to me when she moved back to Australia (she might be regretting it as winter is coming soon to Melbourne!). The lady in red. And I wasn’t cold! For the first time since last October I wasn’t cold at all. This summer is going to be awesome, and I hope there won’t be any more drastic changes in the weather now- I am ready for spring so bring it on.