My new poster
Today I have been working more or less all day. It is time to order in some new business cards and posters to get started with the ‘Beach 2010’ advertising and get those spring and summer clients. I have decided to add a rougher look to my website and cards, darker and dirtier and visually pleasing. Last week I took some pictures of a friend of mine, and he is now on my banner, intro and business cards. He is a pretty darn large guy, and an awesome guy (and also single I believe…). So thank you ‘J’ for the pictures, they’ll probably pop up here and there on my website as they turned out great! And for those who are wondering, I am not on the intro slide- yet. I just couldn’t be bothered taking pictures of myself today. Well, I better get back to work. Need to get this done today/tomorrow. If you wish to visit my website: Ptgbg