albin myers att the Nattstad VIP-party last friday
My legs are very sore! It has been quite a weekend, with a lot of dancing! On Friday me and Daniel went to a VIP party with Nattstad to get our new VIP-cards. ‘Trädgården’ had reopened after being stripped of their alcohol license a while back, and could advertise with two international DJ’s such as Albin Myers and Jonas Sellberg. I love to dance, and that is exactly what we did, for several hours. The next day, yesterday, we continued the dancing with our good friends Johanna and Rickard. They are the lucky owners of two ‘dance dance revolution’ mat’s, and fun gaming equipment. We cooked some good food, and then gave it our very best on the dance-mat. I think we went on for about 4 hours or something, and by the time we finally decided to quit and went down to the sauna with some well deserved beers , my legs were like spaghetti strings. Before I went to bed I had a quick glance at my step counter, and it showed nearly 17000 steps. Today I am taking some photos at the gym for use on my new website, and I’ll probably squeeze in a workout too. Afterwards I will have to dedicate the rest of my night to studying. Keyword: kidney failure and protein reduced diet. It is more exciting than one would actually think!