Comparing cars to gyms

I am sure this is not the Lada he had in mind Right now I am in Oslo, waiting for my train connection to Sweden. I’ve got quite an exciting week ahead of me, and there is much to tell. But right now I am just having a giggle at a quote that I read in a Norwegian newspaper. As I mentioned before, training at a gym in Norway is very expensive. Now smaller gyms offering more acceptable prices are spreading in Norway, attempting to steal the market from the three main gym-giants. Elixia, one of the giants, responded to the question whether they feel threatened that :” A Lada can never compete with a BMW”. This person obviously doesn’t know much about cars, as the cheaper cars are now taking the market by storm, such as the Dacia. People don’t want to pay a fortune anymore, not for cars and not for gym memberships. I welcome the new gyms warmly, they are indeed needed. I think Elixia are in for a shock if they don’t consider cheaper gyms as competition. The way I see it, Elixia and SATS does not offer the luxury one pays for, and needs to offer us something more to keep their clients.
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Last modified on 2010-01-04