I am not getting fat for Christmas

iris at the gym I started early with my New Year’s resolutions, a week before Christmas as a matter of fact. As I mentioned in my previous blog, it feels like people are having the occasional treat on daily basis now, and Christmas lasts for weeks- not a day or two. So I decided a week ago, not to get fat for Christmas. Not to stuff myself, keep exercising, stay active, and go easy on the booze. I didn’t want to celebrate Christmas by bringing my health down, even if just for a few weeks. I also thought: I am sure as hell not starting the New Year trying to lose weight. What about just keeping my weight as it is, after all – I am quite happy and comfortable with my weight. No ‘fresh start’, just a continuation of a healthy life. I permanently attached my step counter to my hip, and decided for a 10 000 steps a day, minimum. Plus 30 minutes a day with a pulse over 145 bpm, and weights four times a week. Also: chew my food properly, drink water and limit my drinking to two servings a day. And to go easy on my biggest sin: chocolate. I got up early and exercised and ran everyday. When we spent the night at Daniels parents place we brought our gym clothes and went down to a local gym. I was surprised to see that the gym was quite packed on both the 24th and the 25th. The response from those around us was positive, and next year I might see if I can get everybody involved. Now, a week later, my weight remains the same, actually a kilo lighter, and I am very pleased. And proud. I’ll give you another update in a week time, after celebrating with my parents at the end of next week.It won’t be easy, as I have to do without a gym when we are in Norway!
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Last modified on 2009-12-28