Today my orthopedic called me to let me know that I could have my hand surgery, and within three months. This is great news for me, as I have been trying for two year to get this through. 2 ½ year ago I hit my right hand quite badly while playing squash, it got really swollen,- but it never got better after that. I have seen many orthopedics and doctors, but in Australia the surgery was priced at 7000 dollars (30 000 SEK) – and there was no way I could afford it. Here in Sweden it did take long before I could see a specialist, but as soon as I did things started to happen. The doctor who performed an ultrasound on my hand found bits of a damaged ganglion cyst and it was putting pressure on a nerve. I have lost about 5kg strength in my right hand since the injury- and I have problems holding a pencil, performing detailed work or anything requiring a good grip. It is scary to undergo surgery on my hand, as it can get worse. But I miss drawing and painting, lifting heavy weights and playing squash without pain – and in control of the squash racquet, so for me it is worth the risk. If it gets worse, I will adapt- but at least I will know I tried.